Peace & Productivity Workshops

Workshop #1:
Mom's Conquering Overwhelm
Session #1: Less Mess
Do you struggle with:
Household clutter that leaves you feeling overwhelmed, not knowing where to start? - Getting family and kids to help put things away?
Dealing with the daily in-flow of “stuff” and piles in every room?
Join this amazing workshop and other moms struggling with the same things you are. We will be a support group while conquering clutter and overwhelm together. Have accountability with an expert at your side while also learning from peers. Accomplish your organizing goals and have the help to keep it that way!
You will learn how to declutter:
Kitchens / Closets / Bedrooms / Bathrooms
Living Spaces / Office Spaces
Memorabilia / Photos
Session #2 - PAPER PILES (NO MORE!)
Do you struggle with:
Mail piling up daily
Bills need to be paid and receipts are everywhere
Kids school work coming in / What to do with endless “art projects”
Fearing “if I file papers away how will I find them again?”
You need the Productive Environment “Finding System”!
Heidi Mills is a Certified Productive Environment Specialist and will help you get your papers in order with the ability to find anything in 5 seconds or less.
SYSTEM – Saving You Time Energy Money
The File-Act-Toss SystemTM
The Art of Wastebasketry®
The Magic 6TM
The SwiftFile Tickler System ($57 sold individually if chosen to use in your system)
This SYSTEM will work in all aspects of your life at home and work when dealing with paper.
Do you struggle with:
- Too many emails
- Duplicate files in multiple locations
- Digital photos on multiple devices that no one ever sees
- Not finding documents when you need them
Join this Digital De-Stress workshop and feel lighter after you know that all important information is easily attainable and save money by not having to buy more storage!
Anchors Away Organizers, LLC • 720-252-9629
Digital De-Stress What you will learn:
- Naming conventions to find files easily
- How to make sure things are backed up properly
- If you are the “search and find” or “files need folders” type
- Storage of photos and fun ways to share them
Session #4 – TAKE BACK MY TIME!
Do struggle with:
- Feeling there is never enough time in the day
- Constantly looking at the clock and racing against it
- Feeling the frustration and failure of not accomplishing what you wanted to
- Dreading the passage of time because it zaps energy and youth -
If you can say yes to these feelings about time, then you struggle from what Deepak Chopra calls “Time Sickness”. Join this workshop and work through the struggles of time learning different techniques to get things done without feeling overwhelmed every single day.
What you will learn:
- How to use a time map
- Matching appropriate tasks to parts of the day that coordinate with your energy
- How to include things you WANT to do in your calendar and not just things you “need” to do
- How to check off those long overdue To-Do’s
- How to use calendar white space to your advantage